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Student Loan

Working to Decrease Student Loan Debt

All over the country, concerns are growing for families who wonder how their children will afford college. The rising cost of education over the past few decades has made it more difficult to get a bachelor’s degree, and even those who do are saddled with so much debt that they find it difficult to start […]

Read More.. May 6th, 2014
Paper Submit

Submit Your Papers For Awards

Many students work diligently on their thesis papers every semester, driven by the desire to achieve both a good grade and the respect of their professors. Not many students may be aware of it, but good academic writing on topics where research is sorely needed can even earn you a decent cash award in some […]

Read More.. May 5th, 2014
New Grading System Surfacing in Oregon

New Grading System Surfacing in Oregon

It’s a fairly well-accepted notion that a student should be graded by teachers based on their academic performance within the classroom. This is a basic precept followed at all educational levels from kindergarten up through the collegiate years. Proficiency-only grading is one recent topic of some debate in teaching circles. In this type of grading […]

Read More.. April 28th, 2014

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