At, we pride ourselves in our academic research abilities and wish to share our experiences with our customers.
Apply for a Scholarship with
We have a team of 137 researchers that assist students in coming up with great and in-depth custom essays and academic papers to enhance their research of whatever assignment they are undertaking.
We also recognize that university or college can be expensive and know how difficult it can be for college students. The many expenses required to survive campus life can easily lead to debts that could go to tens of thousands. With that in mind, we want to offer a scholarship of $2,500 to an individual who is currently attending a United States-recognized college in an effort to make life easier.
Essay Topic: one must send us a 1000+ word essay about the following topic:
Give a detailed analysis of Ansoff’s corporate growth strategies
Our review criteria will be based on:
We are very excited to receive the submissions and assist the winners in easing the burden of their learning cost. The winner will be declared at the end of March. Keep checking this page.
All your personal information will be kept private and will only be used for the contest only, thus will not be shared with any third party.
By submitting your essay to our contest, you will be giving exclusive rights to your essay. Credit will be given to the author if used in any way.