Papers for America’s Most Stressed Generation
Writing Problems | March 26th, 2014 | By Dorothy

Recent research suggests that Millenials are America’s most stressed generation. And it’s no wonder, with exam pressure and college admission and maintenance stress at an all-time high, academic stress is noted as one of the premiere factors causing anxiety in adults aged 18-29 years.
Susan Stiffelman, a psychotherapist specializing in coping methods for handling academic stress, has four tips that everyone can follow during our most pressurized semesters to avoid being paralyzed by anxiety.
First, she advises taking time for self-care. Taking care of your body with nourishing food, non-harmful substances, sleep, and downtime is paramount to functioning at a high level. Building time away from work and routine will help you to be more efficient and produce better work.
Next, Stiffelman says that a change of perspective can do wonders to alleviate stress. If you believe your stressful thoughts, that the worst will indeed happen, your body will shut down. You will not be able to achieve because it will be too difficult to take the first step.
Chunking assignments, breaking them down into smaller, manageable goals serves two purposes. It can give you a boost after each goal, allowing you to gain a sense of achievement and recognize that you are putting a dent in your workload. It will also boost academic success as you focus on each piece of the assignment.
Finally, working a balance of energizing activities and focus time into your busy schedule is absolutely essential. Taking short breaks during cram sessions to stretch, play a game, or talk to friends about non-academic subjects, will prevent you from resenting work and help you feel refreshed.
Writing Sharks wants you to have a great semester – whether you’re in high school, college, or grad school. We realize that balancing academic life and personal life is one of the biggest stressors of this generation. Check out our services page or chat with us on Skype to start lightening your workload today.