
Zero Plagiarism Policy - 100% Original Content Guarantee

At WritingSharks.net, we only hire highly qualified writers who write original papers with absolutely no plagiarism. To ensure this, we run every paper uploaded by our writers through anti-plagiarism software to guarantee uniqueness. As a result, we have gained a widespread reputation as a reliable company that delivers papers free of plagiarism against all publicly available web resources, such as websites, online databases, and previous orders done by our writers.

However, if you ever get any doubts regarding plagiarism on any paper, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will launch investigations and, if the paper is indeed plagiarized, we will be glad to revise it at no extra cost to you.

If you request an order to be placed on Dispute Status because of plagiarism, we will ask for a plagiarism report to back up your claim. WritingSharks.net will only accept a scanned copy of the plagiarism report from Turnitin or your educational institution. Plagiarism reports from other sources will not be accepted as valid proof of the paper's plagiarism.

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